v3.2 [Apr 11, 2015]
The bug with very small and squished together lines in Database Explorer on displays with large and extra large fonts is fixed.
An opportunity to apply registration from a temporary file is made.
Minor bugfixes are made.
v2.9 [Feb 28, 2011]
- Localization is possible now. Russian translation is available.
- Moving columns in data grid is possible by dragging column headers.
- Lookup data is possible in filter toolbar for fields with foreign keys.
- Incremental search in query results is made. It may be switched off using the button on the Data View tool bar.
- Now it's possible to setup data formatting options for Print View from the Report Options dialog at the Data Formats tab.
- Now you may define any column delimiter when exporting data to CSV.
- The check box is added to the Grouping column header of Visual Query Builder. It allows to quckly toggle the grouping for the query on and off.
- The new command "Create New Query From Selected Text" is added.
- Connection to Advantage DB databases is possible now.
- ANSI SQL/89 syntax is added for generic ADO and ODBC connections.
- DB2 and MS SQL Server connections now use different components to get access to corresponding database servers.
- MS SQL Server: Table and query hints are supported; join hints are parsed fine now, but not preserved due to architecture limitations.
- The "Create links from relations" option is set by default for the new connections.
- Command timeouts were not applied to correctly for ADO-based connections. Fixed now.
- "Show query builder by default" setting wasn't saved. Fixed now.
- BLOB View: Unicode data is saved to Memo and Varchar fields correctly now.
- Bugs with Report Options dialog are fixed.
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements are made.
v1.2 [Mar 6, 2008]
- Minor bug fixes are made.